Children learn faster in the immersion setting.

EBE web 96The staff at El Bosque Encantado is focused on teaching your child to speak Spanish with native to near-native proficiency. We do this by nurturing each student’s neurological development and natural affinity for learning a second language.

Children absorb knowledge better before age five.

At birth, the human brain is already hard-wired for basic functions such as heartbeat, respiration and reflexes. Within higher regions of the cortex, however, the neural circuitry is still developing its potential. In fact, the vast majority of the trillions of synaptic connections that a newborn will eventually make are determined in the first few years of life*.

EBE web 117Studies have shown that the more numerous and varied a child’s earliest learning experiences, the more of these neurological connections they will form and keep. In the immersive classroom environment, children easily make these connections—just as they will at home, when speaking English.

Our goal is to take advantage of young children’s unique ability to develop the potential of neurological pathways; as they grow older, the pathways not used begin to disappear. This is why second-language acquisition through early immersion learning is so important.

Long-Term Benefits

The long-term benefits of learning a second language in the immersion setting are wide-ranging and encompass personal, cognitive, academic and social advantages. Such benefits include:

  • Enhanced depth of understanding of other people, cultures and communities

  • Enhanced cognitive development and capabilities

  • Greater facility with English and linguistics in general

  • Improved academic performance throughout the school years

  • A sense of accomplishment and an attendant higher level of motivation for learning

  • Better SAT scores

  • A wider range of career and social opportunities

Read more about the benefits of second language immersion learning.

*Lach, J., “Cultivating the mind.” Newsweek Special Edition, March, 1997, p. 38.
